People Power for Florida In Review

With the goal of registering thousands of voters and build a pipeline of new leaders, Representative Eskamani converted her political committee into a voter registration and empowerment organization back in 2021.

With an initial seed donation of $50,000 from Stan and Kim Van Gundy, the organization has grown a lot over the years, both in staff, impact, and notoriety. We continue to have a special footprint in Brevard County, thanks to the generosity of a local donor. In addition to registering voters, we also volunteered our time and expertise to get abortion access on the ballot in 2024 and have hosted youth organizing boot camps across the Sunshine State.

Your support this year has allowed us to grow into one of the leading youth voter registration, voter education, and voter outreach organizations in Florida.

With your support, we were able to accomplish…

  • 16,108: Number of Floridians we registered to vote since our founding.

  • 7,005: Number of Floridians we registered to vote this year.

  • 10,777: Number of Floridians who signed up for election reminders this cycle.

  • 4,251: Number of Floridians who checked their voter registration status with us since December 2022.

  • 2,734: Number of Vote-By-Mail Request renewals this cycle.

  • 673: Total number of volunteers from December 2022 to 2024.

We ended the year financially strong and are already hiring new staff to continue our year-round organizing work.

When the going gets tough – the tough get tougher. With your support we will continue expanding our year-round voter registration efforts and continue building up the power needed to enact long-term progressive change in Florida.

In 2024, our People Power for Florida team focused on college campuses and digital organizing. This included:

  • 475 community events hosted.

  • 186 Student Leaders Trained.

  • 672 number of shifts completed by volunteers.

  • 14 campuses that we hosted at least one event, including UCF, EFSC, FIU, FAU, FSU, FAMU, UF, UNF and USF.

Thanks to your support, we hosted multiple youth organizing boot camps this year, including several in partnership with the Yes On 4 campaign initiative.

What People Are Saying About Our Work

We are transforming politics. Together we can transform Florida.

Abortion is On The Ballot Digital Campaign

Thanks to the support of a generous donor, People Power for Florida was able to develop and promote a series of digital ads focused on abortion access being on the ballot in 2022. You can preview some of these ads below. We plan to re-use these collateral materials in 2024 to help get out the vote for abortion access too.

People Power For Florida Fundraising

All of this funding comes from individual people and goes directly towards staff including our organizing fellows. Rep. Eskamani takes no salary.